How to use the dates to lose weight

Tips "doctor" for fans of dates without fear of weight gain

It is known that dates contain high calories ... so afraid of many who seek graceful textures and those who are afraid of the weight gain that eating dates.

In addition to the health benefits of multiple dates owns several properties that can add a boost to the weight loss plan depending on how you use it.

We will explain to you in detail, but stay here

How do we  use  dates to lose weight ?
There are important factors in particular make eating dates moderately good addition to the weight loss system.
The first is the formation of dates rich in dietary fiber, 10 beads of dates contains about 6 grams of fiber which is important for healthy digestion.
The installation of the rich pass helps you feel full for a long time after eating.

The second method, which can pass that helps them in losing weight is by replacing sugary snacks, processed a few beads of dates. Eating dates can insatiable urge to eat sugar because of its strong sweet flavor comes from the natural sugars in dates.

The Dates are an excellent source of energy in addition to protein, all 10 beads of dates provides 2 grams of protein. Dates and fruits are packed with nutrients, including vitamin B, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium and potassium. In fact, dates contain more potassium than bananas, and Potassium is a mineral essential to the body's cells irregular work correctly.

It should be noted that while adding a moderate amount of dates to your diet can actually help with weight loss means the former, as well as providing essential nutrients for the body, it handled dates  just will not magically lead to healthy weight loss.

The decision to lose weight is to take a decision to change your lifestyle as a whole, by cutting out processed foods and unhealthy foods and stick to eating natural foods, and the reduction of carbohydrates and protein commitment moderate exercise. He dates to the previous steps and is considered an influential factor for the success of an effective weight loss plan

One last tip from the "doctor":
Keep the dates in the office next to you .... In the bedroom .... In the car, and whenever Harta need to eat some sugars  date instead of candy or chocolate cube.



Wash the parsley and mint for oily skin

On different skin types, there is a need to types of intensive care and continuous. And is considered one of the most oily skin types follows need special attention to get rid of oils. 

if this type of skin you have to adopt the parsley and mint lotion for skin refreshing and smooth texture and moist at the same time.

Our choice for this Lye for oily skin because parsley contains a high proportion of volatile oils including; eucalyptus oil, which has the characteristics of trimming the pores of the skin. The mint goes Mounthol defined Basmath detergent and disinfectant and refreshing for oily skin.

The method of preparation of this lye are as follows:

  - mix Two tablespoons of fresh mint leaves and cut with half a cup of parsley, then add to it a cup of boiling water.

- Leave the leaves in water for an hour and then remove it full of water.

- Put the water in a clean bottle and put them in the bathroom for use in washing the skin three times a week and you'll notice the difference after his experience.



Underarm whitening with lemon potatoes and honey

Considered the armpit of the sensitive areas in the body which is exposed to the darkening of the result of many factors, such as wearing tight clothes which clog the pores of the skin, and the lack of attention to personal hygiene, and the use of cheap deodorants, perfumes or spray large quantities instead of using deodorant.
Before we talk about how to get rid of the problem of darkening the armpit first have to stop the practice of those bad habits, then comes then treat the problem through creams Brightening medical or natural recipes that is a lemon, potatoes, honey guests essential where.


 Among the most famous natural recipes for the treatment of darkening armpits:

1) fresh lemon slices to lighten armpits

Ingredients: one lemon

Method: cut the lemon into thin slices and placed directly on the armpit, and leave for 15 minutes and then wash the area with warm water, and if you are a sensitive skin may cause lemon irritate the skin in the armpit area; so you should moisturize the area cream moisturizer after washing with water.

2) Lemon and talcum powder to get rid of darkening the armpit

Amount: The amount of fresh lemon juice + tablespoons powder that

Method: Mix lemon juice with talcum powder and the mixture is placed on the armpit area for 15 minutes, then removed and the mixture cleans the armpit with lukewarm water, and talcum powder is also considered one of the best ingredients that help skin-lightening fast. This recipe is suitable as well as to lighten the facial skin.

3) of potato chips to lighten

Ingredients: potato medium-sized

Method: cut potato slices and placed directly on the armpit area for 15 minutes, then wash the armpit area well with warm water, and can also use a potato juice after hit in a blender.

4) honey and yogurt to whiten underarms

Ingredients: one tablespoon honey + tablespoon milk Yogurt + lemon juice

Method: Mix the ingredients well earlier, and then placed on the armpit for 15 minutes, then wash the area well with warm water.

seven Mixtures for whitening the body and take care of it

Madam everyone dreams of beautiful white skin but now the dream is easy to investigate these recipes with simple household

1 Mix the flour with the milk and lemon juice and turmeric and Grease by your body for half an hour.
2 Mix the flour with ground nuts, milk, lemon juice and put it on your skin for half an hour he Brightening wonderful for the skin.
3 Mix elderberry flower with milk or yogurt and put it on your skin for half an hour.
4 Mix elderberry flower with sandalwood powder and turmeric, milk and put it on your skin for half an hour.
5 Mix the flour with dried orange peel and ground and with generous milk and put them on your skin for 15 minutes and then Asilh for your skin in a circular motion.
6 Mix the egg whites with elderberry juice with half a lemon if your hair Java Replace eggs with a spoon of olive oil.
7 to remove excess hair from the face Mix the flour with water and put it on your skin until it dries and then get rid of it



foods cause damage to fertility and intimacy

There are foods and food that we eat constantly without knowing the severity of the damage caused by marital life, and especially intimacy, so you should avoid it:

- Fast Food Food and saturated fats and vegetable oils harmful, leading to low testosterone in men, and reduces the ability to produce sperm. - Corn flakes (cornflakes), although its taste delicious, but they have a negative effect on sexual desire, not Tkdmiha in a romantic bed and breakfast for your husband, it's Annsahk.
- Mint syrup has many health benefits for the digestive system, and to maintain calm and the body's immunity, but it goes (Mounthol), which eliminates the libido. - A refreshing cup of coffee in the morning, and you will begin to help you on your day with vigor and vitality, but excessive drinking it causes stress and excessive movement, which negatively affects during intimacy.
- Soft drinks, which is rich in sugar and harmful substances Tardkma for many of the most important health problems of obesity and tooth decay, and lead to decreased libido and apathy in intimacy. - Artificial sweeteners, which contain a substance (aspartame) destroys the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for controlling mood and libido.

- Also avoid eating these foods before intimacy:

Soybean, which is a healthy alternative to meat, but it consists of a substance (Viuestrunr) competition for the male sex hormone, and lead to fertility problems. Also fried potato chips are prepared snacks to high temperatures, causing tissue damage and the body's cells, and thus hurt your health



Trim Pregnancy - Weight Loss After Pregnancy- video

As a woman, I'm sure that the concern of gaining weight comes to your mind when you want to plan for a baby. You are not alone because weight gain during pregnancy is indeed the single most common fear that grips mothers-to-be. Studies have shown that 87.3% of pregnant women suffer from excessive postpartum weight gain and my experience made me discover that 92.7% of the post-natal depression cases which I came across are related to weight gain issues.

It is my ultimate wish that all pregnant mothers get to experience this part of their life WITHOUT suffering from any setbacks due to their weight gain and for this reason, I devoted years of research, studies, experimentation and testing on patients to develop a 100% guaranteed to work technique without drugs, without surgery, without treatments and with no side effects that would keep your body in shape, keep you looking good, maintain your pregnancy healthy throughout and make you regain or improve your original physique speedily after you deliver. 



Great Tips For Taking Care Of Yourself And Baby During Pregnancy- video

Exercising before and during pregnancy is a key to having a healthy baby. Not only is it good for you and your baby, but you are less likely to have a miscarriage if you start and maintain a reasonable exercise program. Exercise also lessens complications of labor and makes the birthing process go more quickly.
see video


How being too sexy without mackeup - video

There are people who really don't care and are too lazy to do anything about their appearance. The fact that you want to know how to look beautiful without makeup indicates you're not one of them. Here's how!



see this video of how to increase the duration of intercourse

 this video ، I want to show you how i took my self from being able to last only 10 seconds in bed to having full control over my orgasms and being able to last over 30 minutes in bed consistently


The way Johnson and his wife in the treatment of premature ejaculation - video

Rather than merely stopping stimulation to the penis, the man’s partner gently squeezes the frenum of the penis (the strip of skin connecting the glans to the shaft on the underside of the penis) until the man loses his urge to ejaculate. Because the start-stop technique is usually effective, the squeeze technique isn’t as commonly used.
Another useful aid in controlling premature ejaculation can be the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, which, when squeezed, has a similar effect to the woman squeezing the base of the penis. The first thing you have to do is find this muscle. Put a finger behind your testicles. Pretend that you’re going to urinate and then stop yourself. You’ll feel a muscle tighten, and that’s your PC muscle. If you exercise this muscle regularly, by squeezing it in sets of ten, it will get stronger, and you can then use it to help control your ejaculations


Problems and Solutions ED for women

There are many problems that can keep a woman from enjoying sex. They include


Lack of libido
The inability to become aroused
Lack of orgasm or sexual climax
Painful intercourse
It may be the reasons for these problems are physical or psychological. The causes can include physical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, neurological disorders, or hormone problems. Some medications can also affect desire and function. And can include psychological causes of work-related stress and anxiety. It can also include depression or concerns about marriage or relationship problems. For some women, the problem results from past sexual trauma.

Sometimes problems with sexual function are common. If the problems persist for more than a few months or a narrow cause you or your partner, you should see a health care provider of your.

Treatment :

Tests and ProceduresSex therapy

 Therapeutic Use of Androgens in Women

Healthy Sexuality - vidio


My personal experience in the ED and the method of treatment

Today I write to you my personal experience with the problem of erectile dysfunction,


I began to feel that there is no sexual desire I have, until I got to the event was the lack of erection of the penis permanently
A month later, he became almost my whole body is tired and I can not stand on my feet, so I decided to go to a specialist doctor mystical, the doctor asked me some tests
After seeing the doctor as a result of the tests said to me: You need a doctor who specializes in endocrinology, so I went to the doctor specialist endocrine,
  And I explained to him the problem and did not tell him that I have a weakness for sexy, I went to the doctor for the problem of exhaustion and fatigue only, was the first question asked me is:
Do you suffer from ED, I told him yes, he said to me Is the proportion of ED have high or low and I told him high, he asked me to do another test,
After seeing the results of the examination the doctor said to me: the salvation of your problem, God willing Solved wrote me treatment and said to me: You will feel better after five days.
And actually, four days after I felt that I have a very high sexual desire too, and I felt my whole body actively in
Thankfully I am now in good health.
Remained to tell you what the problem is, I've had my problem is damage to the pituitary gland,
  Pituitary gland controls the six hormones in the human body, sex hormone, one of these hormones.
So I advise all who suffer from ED to introduce himself to a doctor who specializes in endocrinology
Best wishes to you with a healthy

A tour of the ancient city of Petra in Jordan, one of the Seven Wonders

Petra or rose-red city is the city of the Nabataeans is considered one of the Seven Wonders

  It is the most precious treasures of Jordan is the most beautiful tourist sites in Jordan, dating back to the sixth century BC, the city fascinates the beholder her Tzhrh beauty is amazing and the way they built them, has carved Nabataean Arabs rock and made them an important strategic position linking the Arabian Peninsula in the south and the Levant in North down to Europe and China through the silk trade and spices. And on the summit of Mount high bumpy difficult to reach on foot Mount Aaron is located and which strikethrough shrine built by the Mamluk Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad in honor of Aaron, brother of Moses the prophet peace be upon them. And on the outskirts of the Siq, which leads to no city of Petra and Wadi Musa, Petra and on the doors of local residents set up small stalls selling handicrafts and heritage Kalfajar ornaments and colored bottles.
  The ancient city of Petra, after the Romans left and went to Constantinople by the Crusaders and their income wreaked havoc which came to be Swiss traveler Johann Burkhard, a discovered in 1812 AD.


Is the incision of the rock with a height of more than 85 meters from the rocks and colorful polymorphic reach a length of 1 km Emcah tourist walk, and you can hire a horse or a camel or horse-drawn carriage, where cars are not allowed to use


Upon the arrival of tourists to the end of the Siq appears in front of him stock in the very magnificence and beauty that view Khazna, a masterpiece of stunning a height of 42 meters and its width 30 meters carved in the rock topped Khazna which are designed in the first century AD to one of the kings of the Nabataeans to be the grave of him and archaeological sites bear witness to the greatness and creativity, and is a safe city gate after which you will discover the beauty of the place and what it where you'll find there are tombs carved rock and decorated with inscriptions pink, theater and amphitheater, which was built on the Roman model and expands to about 3 thousand people, temples, streets paved and columns



Situated high on a high sculpted into the rock and engraved it forms a wonderful art can be reached via stairs and drawers up to about 800 degrees to enjoy the stunning scenery then from the very top
There are museums: the Museum of the first and second Petra Archaeological Museum and the second is the Nabatean Petra, and cut and contain models relics have been discovered through research and exploration..

The terms of the armistice agreement between the Palestinians and the Israelis after the war on Gaza in 2014

 To reach an agreement for a cease-fire between Palestinians and Israelis

To reach an agreement for a cease-fire between Palestinians and Israelis

Al-Jazeera has learned from Palestinian sources that it was agreed on a cease-fire between the resistance in Gaza and the Zionist entity, came within eight items have been agreed upon under the auspices of Egyptian and European countries, namely:
1_ open all crossings and lifting the siege completely from the Gaza Strip and includes the entry of construction materials under international control
2_ reconstruction of the Gaza Strip under the supervision of the Palestinian government headed Praise
3_ solve the problem of electricity fully in a maximum period of a year
4_ fishing area can accommodate from 6 to 9 mi mi mi, followed by 12 in a maximum period of 6 months
5_ lift the financial blockade completely from the Gaza Strip
6_ bring the situation from what it was before the start of the recent war on Gaza
7_ preliminary approval on the issue of the port of Gaza with the postponement of the actual search the case for one month from the date of signing of the agreement and includes discussion of Kiffa month after the port management and the mechanics of technical and other administrative
8_ postpone the discussion on the issue of prisoners to one month from the date of signing Alatvaqhobent sources said that the Palestinian delegation had signed the agreement unanimously, also was signed by the Israeli delegation under the auspices of EU.


The full program of proper diet

Full program of diet and healthy

To choose the right diet program is not an easy issue , because there are many kinds of ways to lose weight and every day we go out a new diet and does it . However, there are some basic things to remember when you choose one of the ways to lose weight .Everywhere, all the time highlights the theme of diet and obesity . Everyone is interested in this subject , regardless of gender, age or weight . However, the resistance Alkthrehaol overweight for several years , and a variety of different ways , meditating that this is the last diet .But whenever we tried more , we realize that this is not a simple task. Has conducted several studies on the question of what is the best diet program or a way to lose weight , diet or a diet of carbohydrates and other proteins . In fact, there is no clear answer , and it seems that he is not all that fits the other person fits .




This is an issue settled any diet program and weight loss is necessary to achieve a balance of negative calories , no burn more energy than we consume . The question is how to do it and more importantly, how to continue for a long period of time?The importance of the size of a meal :One way to reduce the amount of calories is reduced or reducing the size of meals . Over the years, there is an increase in the size of meals at fast food restaurants networks , products in supermarkets and even dishes has become the largest . Studies show that the more the large size of the meal, we eat more . Recommended merging with reduced meal program of weight reduction . Reducing the size of meals leads to a decrease in calorie consumption and therefore to reduce weight .

 Alternative for meals :

Choosing healthy foods in the modern era has become a very difficult task , especially for those who want to lose weight. Environment currently offers a variety of foods rich in calories , fat , sugars and poor in nutrients vital .Possible strategy to counter the proliferation of processed foods is the use of alternatives to meals that contain the amount of calories and healthy eating occasion . Several studies have shown that compared the diets and nutritional programs, diet -calorie identical biggest drop in weight because of the alternatives meals, compared with only reduced calories .People who find it difficult to reduce the amount and selection of food , they recommend using alternatives to meals as part of a weight reduction program . Replace one meal a day or two alternatives meals are a way to achieve a diet program to reduce weight and keep it. 

The importance of breakfast :

Although most of us know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day , where the break fasting the night and return the body to a fully functioning , many of us are not keen on the breakfast regularly , due to time constraints and the fear of excess calories .Studies show over the years that there is a relationship between miss breakfast and obesity. Any that eating breakfast helps maintain proper weight , especially after weight reduction . Careful to eat a breakfast rich in dietary fiber can improve the balance of blood sugar and prevent falling sugar levels between meals . When eating breakfast be less hungry during the day .
The amount of protein in a diet program task : Several studies show a link between the amount of protein and a feeling of fullness throughout the day. A recent study published in the Journal of Obesity, examined the influence of protein-rich meals on the levels of hunger , satiety and hormonal reactions in men exposed to overweight and obesity . The results of this study showed that the presence of a higher amount of protein in the diet contributes to the feeling of satiety throughout the day. Recommended consumption of proteins from sources such as low-fat dairy products , eggs , soy , lean meat and the like. 

Dietary fiber :

Dietary fiber is a complex carbohydrate does not degrade almost in the digestive tract . They are considered low in calories but have an important role in the feeling of satiety , the regularity of the work of the digestive system , balance blood sugar levels , reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and so on. Divided into two dietary fiber , soluble fiber and insoluble .Soluble fiber : soluble in the digestive system and impede the emptying of the stomach. And thus contribute to a feeling of fullness for a long time , slow down the transmission of sugar into the blood and contribute to the balance of blood sugar levels . In addition , they contribute to the reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood.Fiber is soluble : These fibers do not dissolve in the digestive tract , but it absorbs water and " swell ." And thus contribute to a feeling of fullness for a long period of time, help in proper and regular performance of the digestive system and can even contribute to the reduction of the risk of colon cancer .

Treatment and prevention of diabetic foot complications

Like other complications of diabetes , the diabetic foot does not appear suddenly , but through the course of continuous , characterized by many pre -marked , but the vigilance of the patient and her crew therapeutic prevent complications and slow the pace of progress .


In order to prevent foot injury sugary , it is important to persevere on the following matters :

    Maintain the balance of sugar and fat levels in the blood, and maintain the balance of blood pressure , if the patient is suffering from high blood pressure ( hypertension - Hypertension).
    Attention must be paid Pantaal comfortable shoes ( including running shoes for medical Orthopaedic Foot ) .
    Aerobic exercise on a regular basis .
    Quit smoking .

In addition to these general recommendations , is a self- examination and treatment for the feet of the foundation stone in the prevention of complications of diabetic foot infection . We divide the recommendations into those that must be carried out and the other is supposed to refrain from it :

Things that must be done to prevent the infection of diabetic foot complications :

1 . In an examination of the feet , including testing the sense pedicures , with a doctor at a clinic diabetes , once at least every year , even in the absence of any signs or symptoms .

2 . Maintaining the cleanliness of the feet , by washing them on a daily basis , and attendance dry up after washing (especially between fingers ) for the prevention of infection ( especially fungal infection ) .

3 . Examination of the feet on a daily basis ( for example , before going to sleep ) . If necessary, you can use Bzojkm / Zojtkm : you have to look for signs of the presence of dry skin , blisters , cracks , ingrown nail , mycosis ( in the skin or nails ) , deformities or any change in the shape of the foot . If you find one of these signs , you should immediately go to see the doctor .

4 . And Azbwa on Antal Shoes comfortable , convenient and customized for diabetics , so that it is suitable for shoe size Kdmkm and not too tight , so that equal pressure between that runs on the palm of the foot during walking and standing , comfortably. Should be adjusted at the end of the shoe the same day, when standing , as it would then be larger foot . Must be a shoe length and shape of large enough so that there is room for the toes , as it should be appropriate to the depth of the shoe size of the foot. Eventually, people with diabetes should Antal Shoes spacious and comfortable .

5 . Should be examining the shoes of extrusion or before Antaalha purposes (to prevent injury as a result of the presence of foreign objects inside the shoe ) .

6 . Preferred to use cotton socks , which do not contain the stitches or protrusions .

7 . Attendance on the examination and treatment of ulcers on the hands of a specialist diabetic foot care , and who have been trained and qualified medically to treat diabetic foot .

8 . Search the temperature of the water when bathing , by the elbow and not by foot, Kdmikm Protect from exposure to extreme heat or cold .

9 . Used oil or moisturizers to keep your feet and prevent moisture Thqgahma .
10 . Cut toenails must be carefully and regularly.


Liver cancer, and I hope a great recovery

Liver Cancer

 Liver disease appear surreptitiously to the human body without having a noticeable symptoms in the beginning, has exacerbated these diseases and take a tragic path is the liver cancer that often leads to death. But if the liver cancer was detected early and was cured in a timely manner , it can be cured in many cases .Definition 

Tumors in the liver are usually of two types:

1 . Benign tumors such as liver parenchyma (Hemangioma)2 . Malignancy and also divided into two types:
- The first is the primary tumors arising in the liver ( liver cancer ) , which starts any formation in the liver and then spread outside the
- Secondary tumors , or the so-called Aydasrtan liver cells is the most common type of liver cancer prevalent is responsible for 90 per cent of cases of primary liver tumors malignant in adults , and are often the result of the evolution of the condition is not good because the symptoms do not usually appear only in the late stages of it . Liver cancer is the third leading causes of death due to cancer in the world , which is the sixth most common types of cancers . Although the overall percentage for the emergence of a number of cases and deaths are decreasing in the United States , but it is growing in the rest of the world. The current ratio of up to stay for a period of up to 5 years for the types of liver cancer, non- eradication : 8.6 % Europe 0.11 % in America and 10% in Asia .
Srtanihthanuyat liver injuries which tumors that arise elsewhere in the body and reach the liver, either by blood or lymph vessels .
Symptoms of liver cancer :
Weight loss ( for no apparent reason and without trying to lose weight ) , loss of appetite constant feeling of fullness after eaters simple , the presence of a solid mass in the right side of the abdomen bottom of the ribs , the pain about the greatness of the scapula right , the advent of color greenish yellow on the skin and eyes ( jaundice yellow) , a sense of discomfort on the right side of the abdomen , nausea, unusual fatigue .Risk Factors- Chronic inflammation of the liver as a result of infection with « b » and / or « C » with the presence of cirrhosis of the liver .- Fibrosis ( which means the destruction of the natural composition of the liver and then re- DO in the form of nodal clusters , due to fibrosis caused by many conditions , such as chronic alcoholism ) .- Obesity ( such as the deposition of fat in the liver and hepatitis Allakhola Allakhola resulting from fat ) .- Diabetes- The length of time of exposure to natural toxins ( such as that produced by many types of fungi that may be found in nuts, groundnuts and other types of oilseeds )- Smoking tobacco- The length of the period of use of anabolic steroids . In some places of the world where there is water contaminated with arsenic
Treatment Options
Treatment options for liver cancer depend on the stage of the disease , and liver function , and general condition of the patient. The surgery is the only hope for the treatment of patients with cancer of the liver cells . If the cancer is detected at an early stage and the rest of the intact liver , surgery can ( with a liver transplant or without him ) to become definitive . However, the proportion of cases potentially eradicate only 15% . There are four types of conventional treatments used in the treatment of liver cancer are: surgery, radiation therapy , cancer treatment drugs , and ethanol injection through the skin .
Types of surgery include the following :Cryosurgery or cryotherapy and it uses a special instrument to freeze and destroy the cancer cells .Remove a portion of the liver : where is the eradication of the infected part of cancer in the liver eradicate all of the liver and liver transplant a new sound from a donor eradication by sound frequencies and which is used as a probe by the electrode to target cancer cells and kill radiotherapy using X-ray high-energy , or any other types of radiation . Include the following:External radiation : The device is given by the area under the direction of radiation to cancer cells.Internal radiation : it is directing radiation to the place of cancer by injection or catheter.Using antibodies loaded with radioactive : and it is loaded antibodies that target cancer cells and then injected radioactive material in the body.Chemotherapy or local public and can be given by mouth or by injection .A chemical injection directly into a vein supplying the tumor to cause a clot chemicals , are injected at the same time Cilth other material inside the artery supplying the liver tumor in the area .Injection of ethanol directly into the tumor to kill cancer cells by using a fine needle .New research shows the efficiency of targeted therapy in patients with cancer of the liver cells . Has finally been approval of the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of cancer by the liver cells , taken by mouth , and discouraged many of Elkinizzat , and is the only one that showed a clear improvement in the survival

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