How to use the dates to lose weight

Tips "doctor" for fans of dates without fear of weight gain

It is known that dates contain high calories ... so afraid of many who seek graceful textures and those who are afraid of the weight gain that eating dates.

In addition to the health benefits of multiple dates owns several properties that can add a boost to the weight loss plan depending on how you use it.

We will explain to you in detail, but stay here

How do we  use  dates to lose weight ?
There are important factors in particular make eating dates moderately good addition to the weight loss system.
The first is the formation of dates rich in dietary fiber, 10 beads of dates contains about 6 grams of fiber which is important for healthy digestion.
The installation of the rich pass helps you feel full for a long time after eating.

The second method, which can pass that helps them in losing weight is by replacing sugary snacks, processed a few beads of dates. Eating dates can insatiable urge to eat sugar because of its strong sweet flavor comes from the natural sugars in dates.

The Dates are an excellent source of energy in addition to protein, all 10 beads of dates provides 2 grams of protein. Dates and fruits are packed with nutrients, including vitamin B, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium and potassium. In fact, dates contain more potassium than bananas, and Potassium is a mineral essential to the body's cells irregular work correctly.

It should be noted that while adding a moderate amount of dates to your diet can actually help with weight loss means the former, as well as providing essential nutrients for the body, it handled dates  just will not magically lead to healthy weight loss.

The decision to lose weight is to take a decision to change your lifestyle as a whole, by cutting out processed foods and unhealthy foods and stick to eating natural foods, and the reduction of carbohydrates and protein commitment moderate exercise. He dates to the previous steps and is considered an influential factor for the success of an effective weight loss plan

One last tip from the "doctor":
Keep the dates in the office next to you .... In the bedroom .... In the car, and whenever Harta need to eat some sugars  date instead of candy or chocolate cube.



Wash the parsley and mint for oily skin

On different skin types, there is a need to types of intensive care and continuous. And is considered one of the most oily skin types follows need special attention to get rid of oils. 

if this type of skin you have to adopt the parsley and mint lotion for skin refreshing and smooth texture and moist at the same time.

Our choice for this Lye for oily skin because parsley contains a high proportion of volatile oils including; eucalyptus oil, which has the characteristics of trimming the pores of the skin. The mint goes Mounthol defined Basmath detergent and disinfectant and refreshing for oily skin.

The method of preparation of this lye are as follows:

  - mix Two tablespoons of fresh mint leaves and cut with half a cup of parsley, then add to it a cup of boiling water.

- Leave the leaves in water for an hour and then remove it full of water.

- Put the water in a clean bottle and put them in the bathroom for use in washing the skin three times a week and you'll notice the difference after his experience.



Underarm whitening with lemon potatoes and honey

Considered the armpit of the sensitive areas in the body which is exposed to the darkening of the result of many factors, such as wearing tight clothes which clog the pores of the skin, and the lack of attention to personal hygiene, and the use of cheap deodorants, perfumes or spray large quantities instead of using deodorant.
Before we talk about how to get rid of the problem of darkening the armpit first have to stop the practice of those bad habits, then comes then treat the problem through creams Brightening medical or natural recipes that is a lemon, potatoes, honey guests essential where.


 Among the most famous natural recipes for the treatment of darkening armpits:

1) fresh lemon slices to lighten armpits

Ingredients: one lemon

Method: cut the lemon into thin slices and placed directly on the armpit, and leave for 15 minutes and then wash the area with warm water, and if you are a sensitive skin may cause lemon irritate the skin in the armpit area; so you should moisturize the area cream moisturizer after washing with water.

2) Lemon and talcum powder to get rid of darkening the armpit

Amount: The amount of fresh lemon juice + tablespoons powder that

Method: Mix lemon juice with talcum powder and the mixture is placed on the armpit area for 15 minutes, then removed and the mixture cleans the armpit with lukewarm water, and talcum powder is also considered one of the best ingredients that help skin-lightening fast. This recipe is suitable as well as to lighten the facial skin.

3) of potato chips to lighten

Ingredients: potato medium-sized

Method: cut potato slices and placed directly on the armpit area for 15 minutes, then wash the armpit area well with warm water, and can also use a potato juice after hit in a blender.

4) honey and yogurt to whiten underarms

Ingredients: one tablespoon honey + tablespoon milk Yogurt + lemon juice

Method: Mix the ingredients well earlier, and then placed on the armpit for 15 minutes, then wash the area well with warm water.

seven Mixtures for whitening the body and take care of it

Madam everyone dreams of beautiful white skin but now the dream is easy to investigate these recipes with simple household

1 Mix the flour with the milk and lemon juice and turmeric and Grease by your body for half an hour.
2 Mix the flour with ground nuts, milk, lemon juice and put it on your skin for half an hour he Brightening wonderful for the skin.
3 Mix elderberry flower with milk or yogurt and put it on your skin for half an hour.
4 Mix elderberry flower with sandalwood powder and turmeric, milk and put it on your skin for half an hour.
5 Mix the flour with dried orange peel and ground and with generous milk and put them on your skin for 15 minutes and then Asilh for your skin in a circular motion.
6 Mix the egg whites with elderberry juice with half a lemon if your hair Java Replace eggs with a spoon of olive oil.
7 to remove excess hair from the face Mix the flour with water and put it on your skin until it dries and then get rid of it



foods cause damage to fertility and intimacy

There are foods and food that we eat constantly without knowing the severity of the damage caused by marital life, and especially intimacy, so you should avoid it:

- Fast Food Food and saturated fats and vegetable oils harmful, leading to low testosterone in men, and reduces the ability to produce sperm. - Corn flakes (cornflakes), although its taste delicious, but they have a negative effect on sexual desire, not Tkdmiha in a romantic bed and breakfast for your husband, it's Annsahk.
- Mint syrup has many health benefits for the digestive system, and to maintain calm and the body's immunity, but it goes (Mounthol), which eliminates the libido. - A refreshing cup of coffee in the morning, and you will begin to help you on your day with vigor and vitality, but excessive drinking it causes stress and excessive movement, which negatively affects during intimacy.
- Soft drinks, which is rich in sugar and harmful substances Tardkma for many of the most important health problems of obesity and tooth decay, and lead to decreased libido and apathy in intimacy. - Artificial sweeteners, which contain a substance (aspartame) destroys the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for controlling mood and libido.

- Also avoid eating these foods before intimacy:

Soybean, which is a healthy alternative to meat, but it consists of a substance (Viuestrunr) competition for the male sex hormone, and lead to fertility problems. Also fried potato chips are prepared snacks to high temperatures, causing tissue damage and the body's cells, and thus hurt your health



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